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20 years 
of exprience.

has over 20 years of experience in product development, individual software implementations to existing infrastructures, providing consulting services and supporting customers with individual Service Level Agreements.


Talk to us if you have questions about network security and architecture, securing perimeter or encrypting your plain-text protocols. We can also advise on migration strategies of existing legacy systems, e.g. TDM services to MPLS (IP or TP), CORBA and consult you in machine learning and software-defined networks, etc.


In everything Seedz does, we are challenging the status quo. We believe that waste and inefficiency are outdated concepts as three hours of sunlight could power the earth with energy for one year.


The way we are challenging the status quo is by making our solutions beautifully designed, user

friendly and secure. If our customers are successful with the products, services and solutions we have developed, we have achieved our primary goal.


Together with our customers we define and identify the goals and strive to fulfil the trust placed in us in every moment of cooperation. In everything we develop and do for our customers, our security framework analysis (policy-mechanism-

assurance-incentives) comes first.


In every new project we see the opportunity to understand the history and challenge the

current and future situation, setting the

scene for an appropriate solution within

the ecosystem of our clients.


With our technology, we ensure that all data is encrypted applying the highest privacy 

standards required by e.g. the

General Data Protection

Regulation (GDPR)

in Europe.


All of our developments are based on sustainable system architecture to unlock our customers from current aged and End-of-Life (EoL) legacy systems.


Seedz offers you the entire infrastructure to close the gap in security and transmits all your data safely across every channel or spectrum available.


We align the technology for the transmission of your data with the latest security procedures and standards such as IEC60870, IEC61850, etc. based on the requierements.



Our solutions are application agnostic and can be operated on-premises, bare metal or

in the cloud.


Based on our monthly subscription model, we provide you with the needed software apps, inter alia mobil communication incl. SIM

cards with data-packages as well as 

software updates. 


Our solutions are cost effectively and transparently.


Energy for good.

The Seedz machine learning (ML) project targets client infrastructure security. We use ML to learn the type of traffic passing through our secure network and to detect unusual patterns, e.g. when an attacked edge device tries to exploit SCADA via a seemingly standard protocol.


Our latest ML project looks at predicting actions taken by utilities to run solar panel inverters. On sunny or windy days, energy supply can exceed consumption, requiring a reduction in energy production from local solar and wind farms.


We learn from the patterns and relationships between the weather and the actions that need to be taken by utilities and propose an energy-optimised action plan, e.g. reducing or increasing the output of solar panels by, say, 30%.


With our distinguished Service Level Agreement (SLA) offering we provide multiple support options, from mission-critical to casual business use enabling highest availability and quality for our customers.


Our team of senior developers and entrepreneurs each bring over 20 years of experience, making our clients more successful and prepare them for the digital age. Through continuous development, applying sophisticated solutions and always focusing on the needs of our customers.


Increased security with Machine Learning 

 Talk to us today!


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